Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Can Digital Marketing Services Really Help My Business?

digital marketing services
While in the past, it was possible for businesses to do all of their marketing offline and via traditional methods like mail and in person advertising, that is no longer a viable option. These days, it seems that every company has an online presence, whether it is an amazingly interactive website, engaging social media pages or even memorable advertisement on multiple web pages or through email. All of these methods are proof that digital marketing services are truly useful to a vast majority of businesses - and that people pay attention to what they see online.

People tend to like things that they can view from many angles. They like to be informed before making a purchase or deciding to use something, and this is possible via the magic of the Internet. Not only is it a place to find actual business-sponsored content, but it is also a place where people can share information with others with the push of a button. Good, bad, mediocre - it’s all there for the world to see, and online marketing consulting firms can show you (and help you) to focus on the most powerful aspect of it: the truth.

The best thing that companies can do is to integrate their content over multiple platforms so that even when people visit or see different things, they are still getting the same message. Although company owners and managers may not have the knowledge to properly do these things on their own, that’s where the help of a digital marketing agency comes into play. There are many things that need to be focused on, and specialists can determine what needs to be addressed first and foremost.

These business internet marketing 
agencies are able to help across the board - from website content to social media pages and email content and organization to finding the ideal clients and even elevating your strategies and presentation above that of the competition. The usefulness of this type of service cannot be overstated, as it is what is necessary in order to survive and excel in the fast paced digital world of today.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Utilizing Content Creation Services

content creation services
The most frustrating part of designing a website and beginning a company is finding the right way to show yourself off to the public. Though this can be done with flashy graphics and a well designed site - and products or services to match - these websites must include content. This content can be virtually anything, but the one thing that must be true is that this content must be quality.

Quality content can be found in house, but that requires the hiring of people that are capable and confident of writing it. This means adding an on-staff content writer, or looking outside of the business itself and finding someone capable of quickly and accurately creating it for you. Digital content creation is available through companies that specialize in marketing; they can help people like you build your company’s image from the ground up in a few simple steps.

Content creation services can be used both short and long term, but they are effective. They make it possible to have things like blogs, web pages, social media updates written in the same tone by the same person (or group of people) so that no matter where people are getting it from, it all seems the same. This is effective in making it so that people get a united feel from companies - not a disjointed one that feels or looks rushed.

Another important thing to have is fresh, dynamic content. Though you may be great at coming up with ideas and running a business, writing is not always simple. This is why there are experts available that can come up with topics, ideas, and structured posts for you, saving you the trouble. This content can be created ahead of time and saved for use through automated posting and updates. This method ensures that you always have content ready to go - and it isn’t just filler content, it’s good, well written and relevant.

These services can be found by vetting different marketing firms and looking at what they have to offer. A good way to do this is to look at the companies and see what their track records are - who and how they have helped in the past. By choosing a firm that has experiences working with companies like yours, you can ensure that your business will have a better shot at success via the marketing methods and content created by the hired employees.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Predictive Analytics Marketing: The Road To Success

Predictive Analytics marketing
When it comes to running a business, the most important thing is overall success of the company. This is accomplished by reducing costs, operating with efficiency and finding and maintaining a customer base. While some companies are fortunate to have a customer base that will stick with them no matter what, this isn't typical for all organizations. In order to stay ahead of the competition and get a leg up on the market, many companies choose to look to the future and use predictive analytics marketing as a way to ensure (or at least increase the chance for) success.

Even though the competitive market is difficult to predict with 100% accuracy, this type of marketing campaign may be more than enough to give people a fighting chance. This type of service takes a great deal of data into account - past information, trends, current facts, and ideas about future endeavors are all looked at an analyzed in an attempt to predict what is going to happen. This is done by looking at relationships between people and things, trend lengths and locations and past occurrences. While nothing is for certain, having this type of information in hand can be a motivating factor for businesses to take new steps forward and come up with new ideas for the future.

In order to ensure that this type of marketing is done properly, your business can (and should!) choose to work with professionals that are competent in compiling and analyzing this type of data. These marketing agency employees know how to inpterpret large amounts of data in a useful way for companies, giving them reasons for moving in new directions and coming up with new ideas. This is a good way for companies of all sizes to broaden their horizons and move forward - which is necessary for survival in the corporate world.

The science of this type of predictive analysis lies in figuring out the relationships between variables, and choosing the outcome that will be most beneficial and likely to succeed. Even though this method is scientific in nature, it is not always correct - but following advice and taking this type of information into account is a better way to go than simply acting based on a hunch or taking a chance. This information offers the ability to take a calculated risk, which can prove to be quite successful when acted on immediately. The key to success is dominating the market, and this cannot be done by companies that are always trying to play catch-up.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Better Content Marketing with Predictive Content Analytics

 One of the biggest questions with regard to your content marketing strategy is how much content you actually need.  Typically, a digital marketing firm will produce a fairly large amount of content for each client.  The truth is, much of that content is never seen by the ideal customer you are trying to reach.  This is especially true when talking about website traffic generated by an organic search.  A few very successful pieces of content will generate the most meaningful results for marketing productivity.
Predictive analytics will help to figure out which will be these successful pieces of content even before they are created.  Here are a few of the basics for using this kind of analysis in developing your strategy:

        • Look at the historical context of your previously generated content's performance.  This will show you the kinds of articles, keywords and placements that generate the most traffic from an organic search

        • Utilize the analytics to determine the characteristics of you web site.  This will help you to select the most effective content topics for your business or product.

        • Create some control content that is generated without this specific type of analysis.

        • Compare the two groups of content to determine if predictive content analytics actually increased the number of hits you got from organic web searches.

        • Consider whether you will realize a cost savings by using the content topics generated analytically by publishing less content less often in less places.

The goal for content marketing analytics, of course, is to produce more real revenue on content.  Some indicators of the effectiveness of content include link growth, social growth, bounce rates, SEO progress, traffic growth and click-through rates.  This process will help you meet your sales goals by generating form completions, databases of qualified leads and form completion.  Enfusen® is a leader in this area of online marketing.  Contact Enfusen to find out how to make your business more accessible to your ideal customers and as successful as possible at meeting your sales goals, increasing your revenue and keeping down your costs for content generation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Social Media Marketing Overview

Social Media Marketing
Most business owners are aware that social media marketing can be an exceptionally good way to gain exposure.  With the large, and growing number of social media platforms, you many wonder how to use social media for marketing.  Still, some folks may have not made the connection between social media and marketing yet and wonder, "What is social media marketing?"
To engage in effective social media marketing, you will need a social media marketing plan that involves a specific social media marketing strategy.  
When making your overall plan, you will need to decide which social media platforms to target, given that there are so many available:
  1. Facebook
  2. LinkedIn
  3. YouTube
  4. Twitter
  5. Google+
  6. Instagram

A good rule of thumb is to focus on a couple of platforms you can really target rather than spreading your campaign out too much by trying to use them all.  Naturally, you will want to go where your customers are.  Facebook is a pretty good overall bet because most homes have at least one, and maybe more, Facebook accounts.  So is LinkedIn, which has over 364 million users.  If you have a very specific product, you may want to go to a site that caters to the interests of your customers, for example, Instagram would be a good platform for a cell phone company (How do people take most of the pictures posted to Instagram?  With their cell phones, of course).

Hosting social media events is a good way to bring attention to your product or services.  A Facebook "fan page day" is an online networking party where you may allow all your fans to share links to their pages on your page.  This can greatly increase your visibility.  The images you choose for your social media platform are also very important.  If you are continually posting without getting likes, shares and comments, you are not being effective.  Images that invite viewers to answer a question or otherwise actively participate in your platform have been found to be particularly effective.  Finally, working with social media marketing services can be cost effective in saving you time, guesswork and frustration while growing the visibility of your business in the social media.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Why You Need Digital Marketing Services

There are so many helpful resources, tips, and tools out there today that many people assume they can do their own marketing without the help of a professional agency. Digital marketing services, however, are a must-have for any brand that wants to be the best in their industry. Professional marketing firms exist for a reason. They know exactly how a business should campaign and what a business needs to thrive in the marketing world.

There are many different digital marketing companies out there, and which you choose is going to make a difference. You should always be on the lookout for the most reputable, successful marketing solutions. If you don’t have the pros on your side, you could face serious issues. Here are just a few things to consider:

-You have to build a marketing campaign that reaches the right audience on the right platform. You probably have no idea what that means, or are incorrectly assuming that your audience is limited to one group or another. When it comes to digital marketing, you have plenty of audiences and platforms to consider.

-Do you know how to do keyword research, industry analytics, and campaign profiles to help establish a solid marketing plan? You need to incorporate all of the elements that you can into your marketing strategy, including the proper tools and resources for a solid foundation. If you aren’t skilled in marketing, you can’t do this.

-Professional marketing services know all about digital media, social media marketing, and the latest trends in internet marketing. Their job is to keep up with the trends and current methods used and to help others capitalize on those methods and tools to build their brand.

-Your competition uses the pros. If nothing else gets your attention, this should. You need to be better than your competitors and you can’t do that if you aren’t on their level. Hire digital marketing solutions because you can’t afford not to.

These are just a few of the reasons that every business needs professional digital marketing solutions. If you don’t have the marketing expertise that you need, you will not be able to keep up with the competition and keep growing your brand.

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to Choose an Inbound Marketing Company

Inbound marketing is a huge part of success for any business that is looking to get more out of its marketing strategy. Of course, it isn’t something that can be done by just anyone. Proper marketing techniques and solutions are available from inbound marketing services, allowing every business to get the best marketing plan that money can buy. How, though, do you choose the right marketing service for your needs?

For starters, you need to find an inbound marketing consultant or service that has a strong reputation in the industry. Look at the history and reputation that the company has, and utilize that information to compare your options. Make sure that you choose a service that has proven results in online marketing and other campaigns or tools that you will need for your strategy, as well.

Talk to the service providers out there. See what they actually offer their customers, how they treat them, and how you feel about working with them once you get to know them a little bit. The right marketing company should feel like a good fit, no matter what business you are in. If this firm is going to be responsible for your brand’s success, they need to be amenable and focused on meeting your needs for marketing and branding.

Don’t try to take on inbound marketing on your own. While there is helpful inbound marketing software out there today, it isn’t always the best option. Plus, it does require a skilled person to utilize the software to the best capability. Some small businesses are worried that their marketing budget won’t be able to handle a full-service marketing firm, but the fact of the matter is that you simply can’t afford to not have a reputable marketing professional on your side.

Keep these things in mind on your quest for marketing assistance and support and you will have no trouble getting the best services available. Remember, too, that you should always utilize reviews and firsthand accounts from other clients to help you decide which company is the right fit. Any marketing firm will tell you that they are the best for the job, but you need to hear that from the people who they’ve worked with.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Realizing the Importance of Digital Marketing Services

It seems as if almost everyone today relies on the Internet and technology for news, information, entertainment and to shop. These types of activities in the past were completed mainly in person, but as times changed, businesses did too. The needs of consumers are continually evolving and any company that wants to keep up - and remain relevant - will do the same. Digital marketing services come in a variety of forms, each of which can be useful when the situation calls for it. Before choosing to go digital with your company's presence, there are a few things to consider in order to make the most out of the opportunity.

Understand the audience
Your content should be directed toward a specific set of clients and potential clients. Digital marketing can reach large numbers of people at once through mediums like social media, email and even websites, but not everyone that looks at these things will convert into a customer; the trick that must be performed from the beginning is to create entertaining content for a specific type of person. If you're able to understand the audience and what they want or like, you'll be well on your way to creating effective digital marketing campaigns.

Rely on the experts
There's nothing wrong with admitting that you're unsure of something, especially when making a mistake can result in your company losing money or leads. There are plenty of companies who specialize in creating ads, content, practicing SEO and increasing visibility by presenting a united front across all used mediums; why not let them do what they do best? While starting slow and doing it on your own may be a learning experience, many small businesses cannot afford the waiting - which makes using an online marketing service seem like a fantastic idea from the get go.

Try new things
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a little scary, but with the reach that the Internet has today, even the least successful marketing strategies will still result in increased traffic and client outreach. While these small numbers are a good indication of something that does not work, they are also a great way to start on something new, and understand the clients and leads better. With marketing, timing is everything, and cycling through different forms of marketing and advertising strategies will present new challenges and opportunities, no matter what type of business you're working for or with - don't be afraid to try something new, because it may just be the kickstart a new business needs.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Following the Inbound Marketing Funnel Model

Though there are many different methods used to attract and retain a customer base, many companies choose to utilize one that is commonly referred to as a marketing funnel. This method is useful because it follows a logical progression of narrowing down the number of people from many to those that become customers without compromising any beliefs or using practices that contradict with company beliefs. To best understand this method, it is important to understand that goals for marketing funnels include things like utilizing worthwhile marketing methods, attracting customers and retaining them.

The top of the funnel
At this stage, things can be somewhat vague. Advertising, marketing, connection - these are all activities that occur at this stage of the game, where the inbound marketing funnel is at its widest. Branded promotions are meant to attract new site visitors, as well as appeal to existing customers, so this is quite useful for companies at all stages of their game. The idea is to take this large amount of site traffic and appeal to many (but not all) visitors. This step is the beginning of the next portion of the funnel.

Center of the funnel
At this stage, it is about converting visitors to customers, as well as extending the interaction and appeal of the brand to interested parties. The appeal of brands is dependent on what they show to visitors - the people need to feel involved and included, and they need to be guided toward making decisions which will be considered favorable for the organization or brand. This portion of the funnel is much more centralized than the very top - the pool of participants is smaller and more focused, and the marketing strategies used are more geared toward specific people or needs.

The funnel's bottom
Including both the finality of sales and the retention of customers, the funnel's bottom is arguably the most important aspect of the online marketing funnel model. People will often try something out, but they need to be convinced to stay around for the long run. A sales and marketing funnel is only as successful as the satisfaction rate allows it to be, so the model is dependent on marketing campaigns and objectives, not simply on following the flow of people. Satisfied customers will often promote the product or service to those who are unfamiliar, which helps to begin the process over again - and adds to the "pool" of potential clients at the top of the funnel.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Do I Need a SEO Agency?

The ultimate goal of any business is to be highly visible to the public, and in today's world, this is done by beefing up the Internet presence. This can be done in many ways, including having a top notch website, great promotions and materials, and even by running interactive and popular social media pages. The biggest issue stems from the need to draw people in initially, which is where search engine optimization services come into play.

What are search engine optimization services?

Most people are familiar with page rankings when using a search engine. The rankings determine where things like webpages and mentions end up within the list of results - the higher placed these are, the more likely people are to see them and in turn, click on them. This type of service is used by many different businesses in order to improve their rankings by a few specific measures. The first is by cleaning up language used on websites, in blog and posting titles, and throughout articles. This "cleanup" is done by focusing on keywords and similar words and phrases - the more specific, the better the chances are that search engine optimization strategies will be effective.

Who uses SEO services?

A good search engine optimization agency will closely work with the company that hires them, moving toward meeting goals and gaining attention from strangers and potential clients. The more people that are exposed to initial information, the better - as it can lead to increased amounts of site traffic and brand awareness. Companies both large and small are known for utilizing the help of an SEO agency, as this practice can help to increase visibility and teach those involved with marketing campaigns what is useful, what works, and what does not. The first step toward success is increasing the audience you're trying to reach... everything else will come naturally.

Search engine optimization services are one of the best ways to increase the positive images of your company and your brands, and luckily for  those who are not well-versed in the practice, there are multiple companies that provide exceptional service to those in need; all that is necessary is a simple online search.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How Useful is Sales and Marketing Automation?

When it comes to successful marketing and sales tactics, it's important to take a lot of things into consideration.  Today's marketing world relies heavily on the digital aspect, and luckily for many people, marketing strategies are extremely effective when they can be automated and sent out digitally. Using things like computers and the Internet in order to get a brand name out there to potential clients and leads makes it possible to reach large numbers of people at once in a personalized and comprehensive manner. This type of automation is not only effective, but it allows the focus to be spent elsewhere where it is also needed - rather than simply spending any available time and money on advertising and marketing. Digital marketing agencies are able to implement many different types of sales and marketing automation strategies, each one specifically catered to meet the needs of the business and clients in question.

Different Automation Strategies
While automation makes it possible to nurture the connection between businesses and their clients, there still needs to be a way to draw leads in without forcing people to resort to means like buying email lists or fishing for information. While it is possible to use automation for things like updating websites, blogs, social media pages, sending out emails, and newsletters, it's still necessary to ensure that these things are wanted by the audiences - no matter how great an email or a newsletter looks, people will not read it if it is unsolicited; they'll simply ignore or trash it. One of the most useful methods of automation is to build a campaign that will appeal to people based on their individual profiles and needs; this helps people feel more included and "special" - like their information means something to the companies represented by the sales and marketing automation strategies.

Will this type of automation increase sales or audience?
If done properly, yes, this can increase support, audience and even sales. Increased sales and lead pools will often generate more interest in the company as a whole. Not every company will benefit from implementing an automation strategy, but many of them will, making things much more likely to take off and move to the next level. It's important to remember that these automation strategies will not do all of the work for you - they will only improve upon what is already in place. One of the other things to remember when it comes to marketing automation and sales is that you must treat each objective as if it is impacting real, live people - because it is! The idea of using the automated marketing approach is to be able to integrate everything together, allowing you and your company to present a united front across the board, and making it seem as if all of the provided client information and strategies are giving you the ability to get a complete picture of them as a person - not as just another email address or name.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What Goes Into Creating a Customer Avatar?

The most important thing to a company is the clients that it caters to. Each business has a different mode of operation, but the ultimate goal is to meet the needs - and exceed them - of their clients and customers. In order to do that, it's imperative to understand what each customer wants and needs, and build marketing directives (and products!) to meet those needs. One way to do this is to use an online marketing agency to help you create a customer avatar for the different types of customers you expect to attract, and work from there.

What is a customer avatar?
Much like when playing a video game, creating an avatar is about giving a character a personality and strengths. Each of these will have different attributes - but unlike game avatars, corporate customer ones will have features pertaining to the different needs  they experience as consumer. Age groups, sex, personality - this is just the beginning of the description of each individual or group. When trying to formulate customer avatars, many inbound marketing consulting agencies will tell you that it's not as important to focus on minute details, but to make a broad category that many people will fit into. Although this means that you're not catering to absolute and specific needs for small groups, you'll appeal to the masses.

So knowing my customers will help me sell to them?
Of course! When you have a general idea as to what people are looking for or expecting, it will be easier to shape marketing directives and products toward them. If you know that a certain age group needs specific features in order to be happy, or that a particular type of person will angle toward certain characteristics, you can react certain ways. Knowing what customers like, want and expect is key to the continued success of a business, as well as the practical and logical progression of products and services. Over time, customers and their needs do change, so having these avatars makes it much easier to update things in order to stay relevant. Having a good idea about what people like and need - as well as what they expect from the companies that they purchase from - will help build a more complete picture of the client base.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What is Closed Loop Reporting?

In marketing, "closing the loop" simply means that things come full circle, giving you the ability to see how marketing relates to sales and total returns. This type of reporting requires direct communication between the sales teams and the marketers, because these two branches (even though they are different!) require each other to function properly. The sales teams are able to tell the marketers where the most productive leads come from, and this helps with the natural progression of a marketing campaign. Closed loop reporting makes it possible to see what is successful and should continue, and what should be pushed to the side and not focused on as much. The data provided by this type of reporting is useful to both companies and digital marketing agencies throughout the duration of the relationship.

Who can benefit from this type of report?
Reports like these are useful to many different types of businesses and marketing agencies alike. It doesn't matter how big or small, it's always necessary to know what good the money you've put into marketing is doing, and if it is worth continuing. Marketing agencies need to know if their strategies are working as well, because their results will determine whether or not companies will continue working with them - and can shape their futures and their relevance. This reporting is a continuous cycle, as business internet marketing is a constantly changing environment - what works at one time may not work well in the future, so in order to do the best by the company, things need to evolve and flow.

What kinds of information does this type of reporting provide?
Not only does closed loop reporting give companies and marketers information about the success or failure of their marketing endeavors and objectives, but it helps to build a customer profile, too. By seeing what works - and where the clients and leads are coming from - businesses can build relationships with their clients, even in some cases creating new customer avatars and coming up with new digital marketing objectives based on leads and traffic. Closing the loop with this type of reporting can and will help companies keep operation running smoothly, giving them a greater chance of overall success. Without these reports, companies and marketing agencies could spend a great deal of time and effort on angles that are not as successful as they should be - a waste of time, effort, money and energy that could be more effectively focused elsewhere.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Four Ways to Build a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Are you looking to improve your return of investment? Next to search engine optimization, email marketing typically yields the highest rate of return for your advertising dollars compared to other forms of marketing. Advertisements such as Google Ads are not as successful as email marketing campaigns if the campaigns are done correctly. Here are four email marketing tactics proven to increase your ROI. 

1.    Use closed loop marketing to maximize your email marketing ROI and drive traffic to website

Track the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies by using a closed loop process. What is closed loop reporting? This type of marketing involves tracking where sales come from. It answers the question of how many sales came directly from a specific email marketing campaign. The sales team uses a CRM tool such as Salesforce or Oracle to track where sales come from and this information is sent via an application programming interface (API) to a marketing analytics software such as Hubspot. Closed loop reporting is an effective email marketing strategy because it tracks which email marketing campaigns are the most successful.

2.    Use a call to action to encourage the prospect to contact the sales team

Every email and landing page of a website should have a call to action. What is a website call to action? A call to action definition is as follows: a call to action involves enticing the customer into making an immediate response. Call to action examples include the downloading of a white paper, signing up for a webinar, or starting a new software trial. Calls to action can be made more enticing with the use of a call to action button that takes the user from the email directly to the company website. Call to action buttons should stand out in the email and contain call to action phrases like “Call Now” or “Risk Free Trial Start Now.” 

3.    Personalize the recipient’s email newsletter and website home page

One of the most successful email marketing strategies out there is to create dynamic content for each individual’s email newsletter, complete with a link to a personalized home page. An example of a dynamic website is Amazon, which features different products depending on the user’s buying habits. Dynamic websites and email campaigns lead to more conversions because they focus on the specific interests of the individual user.

4.    Write relevant, engaging content as a part of your brand strategy

Hire an internet marketing consultant from one of the inbound marketing companies to create custom content for your email campaigns. What is inbound marketing? A successful content creator will drive traffic to your website through the creation of engaging, relevant content for your customers. Inbound marketing prices vary but website content writing services are worth the cost. Good content is worth its weight in gold.

For more advice on marketing, please visit the Enfusen website.

email marketing

How to Run A Successful Event Marketing Campaign

The internet is simply never going to completely replace in person event marketing. Mingling with other business owners and flying across the country to listen to a keynote speaker is a great way to showcase a new product or service. There are a lot of software programs available these days that make online marketing easier. The problem with these programs, however, is that training is required. An event can be a great way to train individuals on how to use a new software program.

An example of a great software program is Magento. This is an ecommerce content management platform that allows small and medium sized businesses to sell products in shopping carts over the internet. Magento holds events in order to train Magento salespeople and developers on all of the new plugins and templates available for these products. In order to advertise for these events, Magento sends out email invitations to prospective customers and advertises the events both on their website and in their online advertising pay per click campaigns.

How to Market My Event

Now that we’ve used Magento as an example, how could your business use event marketing to increase knowledge of your products and services among your clientele? You could be saying to yourself, should I sell tickets to my event? You definitely should! Renting a facility is expensive and if you are holding a multi-day event, you’ll need to pay for the cost of food as well as teachers for each of your seminars. Speakers are going to command a fee as well.

How to Hold Mastermind Event

A mastermind event needs to be marketed well in advance. Send out email invitations, tweet about it, mention the event on all of your social media, and advertise it on your own website. Consider the different types of speakers you’d like to have at your conference. A mastermind event needs to feature famous speakers in your industry that have a wealth of information to share with your audience.

event marketing

Different Types of Events

You should decide whether the event should surround discussions of best business practices or whether the purpose of the event is to teach potential customers about your products. Of course, these can go hand in hand. A keynote speaker at a Magento Developer’s conference could speak about how Magento helped to deliver a radical increase in profits to his own company and generated millions in profits. This discussion could cover the best business practices in how to use Magento to generate sales and it also provides entertainment for the developers who are at the conference to learn about the new tools that Magento is offering. If you think about it, the point of the event is learning, and whether it is learning about best business practices or about how to use a specific software, learning should be the goal.

Events Are Where We Learn to Do Better Business

Regardless of what you teach at your event, make sure that you make teaching a priority. If you’re a mastermind of something you should share that knowledge with the masses.

To learn more about event marketing, please visit the Enfusen website.

How to Write an Effective Call to Action

A call to action tells the prospective buyer how to contact you to find out more information about your business and your products and services. Here are the five main characteristics of an effective call to action.

Your Call to Action Needs to Be an Attention-Getter

Make your calls to action stand out. Use call to action buttons that are larger than the surrounding text with a clear message, such as “Contact Us Today” or “Click Here to Start Your Free Trial”. Red is a great color to use since it signifies urgency. Blue, as a calming force, is also a good color to use for your call to action button. Make sure that your call to action button gets the attention of your prospective customer.

Your Call to Action Needs to Satisfy the Needs of Your Customer

How can you help your customer? Do you offer superior customer service? Are your products top of the line? What makes you stand out from your competition? A good call to action clearly communicates with the prospective customers that your business can help them.  Typical successful call to action phrases showcase the benefits of the products or services. Here are some examples:

Fortune 500 Companies Rely On Our Marketing Services. Click here to get started with your free consultation.

Save hundreds of dollars on car insurance. Call us toll free today to find out more.

Do you have thirty plus years in the industry? Broadcast this accomplishment. Do you offer the lowest prices in town without sacrificing quality? Highlight the average savings your customer might expect. If you can benefit the customer, then the customer will definitely take heed of your call to action.

Your Call to Action Needs to Provoke an Immediate Response

Contact us today! We’re available 24/7. Chat with an online representative, we’re available now. Email us for a free consultation and we’ll get back to you right away. An effective call to action needs to provoke an immediate response. Be sure to prod the customer in the right direction by including words like today, immediately, and now in your call to action phrases. 

Your Call to Action Should Be Measurable

In order for your campaign to be effective, it needs to be measurable. Track how many visitors came to your contact page and how many of those visitors filled out a form. Ask your callers how they heard about you, was it from your businesses’ website? Google Analytics is a good tool to use to track these conversions. Which pages of your website have the most effective calls to action? Change your wording based on these results in order to make your marketing campaign as effective as possible.

Still lost when it comes to writing an effective call to action? Contact the experts at Enfusen Digital Marketing and they will write the call to action for you as a part of your new inbound marketing campaign. Visit their website to find out how they can increase your ROI and generate more sales for your business. Read their blog to find out effective tips on how to gain sales through effective content marketing strategies. 

call to action