Monday, January 11, 2016

5 Signs You Need Digital Marketing Services

5 Signs You Need Digital Marketing Services

Though many business owners know that digital marketing is important, they struggle to develop a strategy.  Not only is it difficult to set aside the time to create one, but businesses both small and large find it difficult to manage their online presence alongside their tangible business.   Unfortunately, businesses that don't have a online marketing strategy lose money on their website, over-invest in the wrong places, and rarely see an increase in sales.
If you’re unsure as to whether or not you can benefit from an online marketing agency, take a look at this list.

Signs That You Need to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Your website is directionless.  It’s hard to expect any success from your online efforts if you haven’t set goals for them.  Worse yet, pouring funds into a website without a plan of action is akin to burning money.  Investing in online marketing means a goal for your web presence.  Once your strategy is off the ground you can continue to raise the bar on your goals.  Start out by gaining new customers and building deeper customer relationships.  Finish by nurturing customers through a funnel that tends to their needs even after they’ve bought.

Your online store is a joke.  Do you actually see revenue from your online store?  The online marketplace is in an entirely different arena than traditional sales.   To truly benefit from your eCommerce efforts, consider looking for online marketing consulting.  Not only will an online marketing agency create a strategy for selling, but they’ll rework your online store to increase user functionality as well.

You don’t have the time to stay ahead.   Having a website you never update is almost as bad as not having a website at all.  The top online brands have something in common:  They update. A lot.  Staying relevant is the most important part of any digital strategy.  No one wants to read a blog from three years ago.

You have no idea who your customers are.  Who is your ideal customer?  Developing buyer personas is a staple-point of inbound marketing consulting.  When you know the market you’re trying to reach, it’s much easier to develop how you want to communicate with them.   Your website, social media accounts, and landing pages should all identify with the unique needs of your buyer personas.

You sound like a broken record.  Are all of your updates the same?  Nowadays, online marketing is personal and focused on building customer relationships as opposed to making sales lightning-fast.  Consumers expect a certain level of interaction from the websites they visit.  If your updates are monotonous and sales focused, customers won’t feel inclined to your brand.  A digital marketing agency will work with you to create personalized sales strategies for all of your buyer personas.  After all, you’d rather have a life-long customer than a few quick sales.

Are the problems all too familiar? Then it’s time to look into digital marketing services. 
More and more consumers prefer online shopping with each passing year.  With technology becoming more accessible than ever, online marketing is quickly becoming the concern of businesses both small and large.  Not only can customers easily compare prices and avoid the crowd, but they’re also saving on gas money and taxes in the long run.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Expand Your Brand with Marketing Automation

Expand Your Brand with Marketing Automation

Nowadays, it isn’t enough to have a lifeless website and a dead Facebook.  More now than ever, companies need to have an outstanding web presence in order to nurture first-time buyers into lifelong customers. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.  There’s a lot of work that goes into being active on the web and, when you’re running a business, it can seem impossible to keep everything updated and hold down the home front.

Worry not! There is a solution.

The solution?  Marketing automation . It was created to save you time and efficiently integrate your marketing channels.  The term marketing automation covers a wide range of marketing automation software and technology designed to organize your media channels and automate recurring tasks.

4 Major Benefits of Marketing Automation Software

Get Detailed Analytics.
Without automation, it’s difficult to get truly accurate analytics on your marketing efforts.  With marketing automation tools, you can gather data on how long they’re staying on your website, which products they’re interested in, and the industry they work in.  This data can be used to improve your sales funnels by providing these customers with content that appeals to their interests.

Expedite the Email Marketing Process.
There’s no arguing that email marketing is one of the most consistently effective marketing channels to date.  Unfortunately, it’s easy to slip through the cracks and into their spam folder.  With marketing automation software you can figure out which email campaigns worked, which emails failed, and where that customer is in the purchase decision process.

Empower Your Sales Team.
Marketing automation does more than gather data and save time.  The information gathered helps your sales team get an accurate view of who they’re trying sell to, and where that person is in the purchase decision. Not only can your sales team use this data to gain confidence on the floor, but they can also use this data to better understand how your customers want to be contacted.

Engage Your Customers.
With the data that marketing automation software provides, it’s easy to adjust your campaigns to better suit your audience.  No matter where they are in your sales funnel, marketing automation tools allow you to be in contact with your customer from day one.

The Bottom Line...
Simply put, marketing automation tools and technologies turn your marketing channels into one organism that can be easily managed.   If you’re not sure whether or not your marketing is boosting ROI or increasing sales, it’s time to consider marketing automation services.