Are you looking to improve your return of investment? Next to search engine optimization, email marketing typically yields the highest rate of return for your advertising
dollars compared to other forms of marketing. Advertisements such as
Google Ads are not as successful as email marketing campaigns if the
campaigns are done correctly. Here are four email marketing tactics
proven to increase your ROI.
1. Use closed loop marketing to maximize your email marketing ROI and drive traffic to website
the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies by using a closed
loop process. What is closed loop reporting? This type of marketing
involves tracking where sales come from. It answers the question of how
many sales came directly from a specific email marketing campaign. The
sales team uses a CRM tool such as Salesforce or Oracle to track where
sales come from and this information is sent via an application
programming interface (API) to a marketing analytics software such as
Hubspot. Closed loop reporting is an effective email marketing strategy
because it tracks which email marketing campaigns are the most
2. Use a call to action to encourage the prospect to contact the sales team
email and landing page of a website should have a call to action. What
is a website call to action? A call to action definition is as follows: a
call to action involves enticing the customer into making an immediate
response. Call to action examples include the downloading of a white
paper, signing up for a webinar, or starting a new software trial. Calls
to action can be made more enticing with the use of a call to action
button that takes the user from the email directly to the company
website. Call to action buttons should stand out in the email and
contain call to action phrases like “Call Now” or “Risk Free Trial Start
3. Personalize the recipient’s email newsletter and website home page
of the most successful email marketing strategies out there is to
create dynamic content for each individual’s email newsletter, complete
with a link to a personalized home page. An example of a dynamic website
is Amazon, which features different products depending on the user’s
buying habits. Dynamic websites and email campaigns lead to more
conversions because they focus on the specific interests of the
individual user.
4. Write relevant, engaging content as a part of your brand strategy
an internet marketing consultant from one of the inbound marketing
companies to create custom content for your email campaigns. What is
inbound marketing? A successful content creator will drive traffic to
your website through the creation of engaging, relevant content for your
customers. Inbound marketing prices vary but website content writing
services are worth the cost. Good content is worth its weight in gold.