A call to action is one of the most important parts of a landing page on a website. Every page should have an eye catching call to action. There are a number of ways to create a call to action that does what it is supposed to do, generate action on the part of the prospective client, who then contacts the business owner about the products and services.
A call to action can be a call to action button, or it could merely be a sentence or a series of sentences. Regardless of if your call to action involves call to action buttons or simply call to action phrases make sure that the call to action is eye catching.
Your Call to Action Needs to Be Attention Getting
One way to make your call to action stand out is to create a button. Contrasting colors, like a green button on a blue background or a red button on a white background will make the button stand out and make the viewer look towards the button. The button could be as simple as “Contact Us” or “Click Here for a Free Trial” or it could simply say “Start Now.” Buttons are short, quick and to the point. A button isn’t going to consist of a paragraph, but just a simple tagline that will entice the customer to click in order to give you his or her contact information.
Your Call to Action Needs to Be On Every Page
Websites are built so that duplicate information is located on the top or on the side of the page, with new text in only one spot. The menu should be on every page, and so should your call to action. Whether it is a button or a photo along with a sentence or two and a phone number, your call to action needs to be in a prominent spot on every page so that your clients can contact you right away regardless of what page in the website the client is on.
Your Call to Action Needs to Generate a Customer Base
What do you want your customers to do? Contact your phone number for a free consultation? Or do you want them to fill out an online form? Some business owners would rather have forms be filled out than have clients call. Sometimes the wrong type of clients will call the business and take up valuable time away from the customer service representatives at the business. A contact form will be able to give information about the services that are available and then can be distributed to the appropriate customer service team. For example, an accounting and investment firm might offer a whole host of services, and have a different team dedicated to each department. A form would be sent to the department that matches the answers the potential client filled out on the form. When creating a call to action, it is important to define how you want your clients to contact you. What way will work best for your business? What way of contact will generate the most business?
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