Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Why Your Team Needs Content Marketing Analytics

Why Your Team Needs Content Marketing Analytics
So you've joined your fellow marketers on the great content marketing journey.  Only problem is, you're not tracking any content marketing analytics.  Which means even though you're given this whole digital marketing thing a try, you aren't collecting any marketing data that tells your team if the content is working.  Continue down that road and you'll find many late nights and a boss who is infuriated about a wasted marketing budget while you wonder: What did we do wrong?

The biggest mistake new digital marketers make is failing to collect content marketing data on their campaigns.  They spend all the time in the world making the perfect Infographic explaining quantum physics and no one reads it.  Why?  Well the answer isn't always that simple.  That's where content marketing data comes in.

2 Major Reasons You Need Content Marketing Analytics

Marketing data is a great way to get the inside look at your content marketing campaigns.  Not only does it let you know whether or not people actually like your content, it provides your team with 2 vital pieces of information.

1. You know where to put the money.  You've run a few campaigns and your content marketing data is telling you that people are click-crazy about your ads that feature cats. (Big surprise, right?)   Instead of running that ad series that featured exotic places, your team can use their inbound marketing analytics to put the money in the right place.  In this case, it's the ads that feature cats.

2. You know where to focus your energy.  Often times, marketers got caught up in campaigns that simply aren't going to work.  Especially when sales are down, it seems as if everyone is scrambling to finish a hit new idea.  Unfortunately, that hit new idea is rarely profitable.  With inbound marketing analytics, your team can use the data to further your buyer persona and create content that truly speaks to your customers.

This precious insight is arguably one of the most important parts of any digital marketing strategy.  The ability to see your mistakes and your successes is easiest way to encourage growth in your sales and marketing teams.

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